Modern porcelain vase, Ky, Kome and Perkè in free fall over the world – Opificio Etico


Bring a touch of contemporaneity and charm to your home with this porcelain vase by Opificio Etico. Inspired by the scene from ‘Ky, Kome and Perke free falling over the world’, this 45cm diameter and 30cm high vase is a stunning work of art that captures the imagination and adds an element of visual interest to the your furniture.

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Add a touch of modernity and adventure to your home with this extraordinary porcelain vase by Opificio Etico. Inspired by the free fall of “Sky, How and Why”, this vase brings with it an atmosphere of excitement and mystery.

With generous dimensions of 45cm in diameter and 30cm in height, this vase instantly becomes the focal point of any setting. Its elegant modern porcelain finish adds a touch of sophistication and contemporary style to your space.

Place it on a center table or shelf to add an element of visual and conversational interest to your home. Thanks to its Opificio Etico signature, this vase is not only a work of art, but also a symbol of ethics and responsibility in design.

Additional information

Weight 3 kg
Dimensions 45 × 45 × 35 cm


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